Author: Abby Ahmed

I never could get my head around math problems, the moment they start getting complicated. However, we do have some amazing mathematicians who could calculate the age of the universe just with a pen and paper, while reading the morning news. If mathematicians are your hero, then I think you will absolutely love this article. Of course, we had quite a few brilliant mathematicians over the thousands of years of our history, but today we will not talk about ancient mathematicians, rather we will talk about mathematicians of the present. I mean, if you are lucky enough you could just…

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Since you have shown interest in this particular topic, I think it is safe to assume that you know about epidemiologists, perhaps you are one yourself. However, let me give you a brief rundown of epidemiologists. Epidemiology is basically the study and analysis of patterns, causes and effects of health conditions of a given population. Unlike observing a single or a small group of specimen, epidemiologists work with a massive sample. Usually an entire population of a given geographic region, like a country or a state. The work that epidemiologists do is extremely important in terms of predicting a possible…

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We may live in the present, and we may look forward to the future, but the thing is it is the past that we care about the most. Well, it is the past that teaches us who we should shape our future and how we should plan our future course of actions so that we did not repeat our mistakes. Past is a great teacher, and we have so many things to learn from it. This is where the historians come in to the picture. If you are a historian, then I would like to take this opportunity to thank…

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Okay, before we even begin, I think this is as good as opportunity as any to thank all the doctors around the world who are trying their best to help their patients. I mean, the doctors are our refuge when we are sick and feeling down. They help us get better, and hold our hand through very difficult times in our life. Doctors are amazing to say the very least. Thank you very much for what you do, and how you do it. If you are a passionate person, then becoming a doctor could be the ideal job for you.…

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Have been thinking about becoming an expatriate? Everyone has a tourist in them, some dare to explore that side but others just keep it suppressed and move on. However, if you do decide to become an expatriate, then you have the option to explore the world a little bit and also make money instead of spending it. However, being an expatriate has its own downsides as well. It is true that you will be living in a different country, but you will not be free to go anywhere you like, rather you will be limited to the location of your…

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Summer camps are awesome. I am sure that anyone who has even been to a summer camp will agree in a heartbeat that summer camp is an amazing place, and everybody should go to the summer camp every year. It offers the participants the chance to experience the great outdoors, and to the modern city dwelling kids, that is a remarkable opportunity. Also, summer camps offer to opportunity to pick up a few real life skills as well. Skills like teamwork, decision making, leadership and resourcefulness can all be learned and practiced during the summer camp. It is true that…

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If you are interested in learning about hedge funds, then I think it is safe to assume that you have been an investor in the stock exchange for quite some time now. Hedge funds are like next level when it comes to investing in the stock market. I mean, by definition a hedge fund is basically a limited partnership of investors that uses high risk methods to earn large sums of money. The high risk method could be anything from borrowed money to investing in a high return high risk stocks or bonds. However, as you can see from the…

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We all know and love Amazon for the conveniences it offers. I mean, even if you are not a prime member and would never buy a membership you would still want to buy stuff from Amazon, as their offerings are so amazing. And if you happen to be a subscriber to the Amazon prime business model, then you are going to absolutely have a blast. I mean, the shopping experience alone makes the low fee you have to pay to get the prime membership, not counting other perks that comes bundled with Amazon prime. Amazon prime made online shopping fun…

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For the past few article, we have been talking about the illegal immigrant situation in the United States. This is not something new, people knew about the situation, but for one reason or another nobody did anything about it, or what they could not do enough even if they wanted to. Until recently, when Mr. Donald Trump brought this issue up in his campaign, and promised to take initiative to handle the situation, and control the illegal population in the United States. As you can see from the title, this article will give you some perspective on how it is…

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French government wanted to promote the notion that France is a country of global values and it believed in a diversification. This is why France received many waves of immigrants reaching its shores during the late 19th and early 20th century.The immigration situation is getting even more attention these days, as troubles in the middle eastern regions of Asia is driving millions of refugees across the globe searching for sanctuary and immunity from all the bloodshed. France has always been ahead when it comes to humanities and arts. From the medieval period France has been the fashion inspiration of the…

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Illegal immigrants situation has gained new attention during the campaign of President Donald Trump. To be honest, every first world country has this problem of illegal immigrants. People who have lost their right to remain in a country, but are staying there anyway are called the illegal immigrants. The United States is no exception when it comes to the illegal immigrant problem. The thing is, even though Donal Trump argued that all illegal immigrants should be deported, but the thing is only a small portion of illegal immigrants are violent criminals. Most of them are just like ordinary people. However,…

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Okay, so you gearing up for a vacation during December? To be honest, there is still plenty of time till December, but I am sure you know how hectic and crazy things gets around December in the United States. I mean, it is Christmas after all. Everyone must visit their friends and families and buy gifts of them. You can get the gifts you want if you are careful, but the tickets to the places you want to visit can be really hard to get. Also, the provisions you need for a trip can be difficult to find as well.…

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