The television used to be the final word in personal entertainment, however those days are long gone. Since the advent of the internet, personal entertainment evolved entirely. There are so many smart devices around us that even if we are watching our TV, we are likely to tune into one of the streaming media sites. Now when it comes subscription based streaming media websites, we basically have three Amazon Prime, Hulu and Netflix. Now that said, if you are subscribed to any one of the three names that I mentioned, then our today’s article is going to definitely interest you.…
Author: Abby Ahmed
I am sure I do not have to tell you how difficult it is to enroll in a medical school in the United States. It is the general consensus that Canada and United States jointly share the position of most difficult country to become a doctor from. As you can see from the title, today we will talk about a few medical schools in Caribbean that do not require you to have completed MCAT in order to enroll in them. In the United States, you just cannot get into a medical school without MCAT that is for certain. I am…
Clothing is an essential part of our identity. It is through clothing we make a statement about who we really are and what we really value. Clothing is the first thing you notice about a person in front of you. Of course, forming an opinion about someone just based on clothing is not something one should do. However, clothing is definitely something that helps us form an opinion about a person. Therefore, if you want to make a lasting impression on someone, you better dress for the occasion, otherwise you will not be able to have a strong enough impact.…
So, got yourself a Hulu subscription? Well if you did then congratulations on that, because you now have access to some of the amazing online streaming media. The Hulu subscription will definitely keep you entertained for a very long time. Crime media is a popular genre when it comes to personal entertainment, I mean just take a look at the movies that have become legends like the God Father series and the Ocean series, all are basically crime drama. However, crime documentaries that deal with real life criminals and their activities are also quite popular. I mean as the saying…
There was once a time, when candles were an inseparable part of our daily life. Of course, I am talking about the pre-electricity and pre-lightbulb era world. Where we had to burn either candles or lamps in order to get light at night. However, we have come a very long way since then and candles no longer serve a practical purpose in our lives anymore. Candles have become more of a niche product, and are only used to set the mood or create ambience for select occasions. There are candle enthusiasts as well, who just cannot go without having scented…
The most prominent driving force in humans is said to be hope. This is not me saying this, but many psychologists believe that we exist because hope exists, if there were no hope, we would cease to exist as well. Now, lottery is something that only works because we have hope of winning it. I mean, if we were to approach the subject of the lottery in a scientific or rather mathematical way, we would find that the odds are heavily stacked against us. However, there is a small possibility of winning and that drives people to invest heavily in…
Our children are the most precious to us, and therefore, we want only the the very best for our kids. Now in this article we will talk about the most healthy substitutes for milk for you children. Back in the day, milk was the best we could do, however things have changed quite a bit now a days. It is not proven that there are other healthier substances than milk for our children. These products are obviously safe for consumption and are prepared following every regulation. So, you can be rather sure if you do wish to incorporate these substances…
I am sure, I do not have you give you an introduction to Amazon. Unless you have been sleeping for the past decade or so like “Mr. Rip Van Winkle” you already know what amazon is, and how popular it has become over the years. Amazon is probably the most popular online marketplace in the entire world. If something is selling well in Amazon, then we can be sure of that things quality and utility. I mean so many people will not make an unanimous mistake in purchase decision would they? Have you heard of the Amazon Echo? Well, its the…
Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I think it is rather safe to assume that you have an especial event coming up where you would team up with your best buddy. I do not know the occasion, but what I do know that you have plans to do some heavy drinking during the even, and also indulge in some drinking games. First off, good luck and have fun in your meet and greet with your friend. If you are asking how I assumed all of that, then let me explain in brief. The title of the article…
There is an old saying that goes “those who can, do and those who cannot, teach”. I am not sure how much of that is true, but I know for sure that the people that made our list today definitely can, but the chose to teach instead. Our today’s offering to you is the list of most successful life coaches. Life coaches are people who teach you how to be successful in life, we can basically say that they have learned the secrets of success in life. How they achieved that is something that I do not know. However, their…
The internet is the our window to the world. The internet is what you want it to be, for some the internet is a movie/media/entertainment center, for some it is the means to keep in touch with the world a communication medium and for some it is their means of doing business. The internet is extremely flexible. The internet can mold itself to fit your needs, given that you have the adequate skills to begin with. It is only natural that people would use the internet to earn money. There are various ways you can make money off of the…
Go sweet tooth? Well, if you do then I am afraid I am going to have to tell you that addiction to sugar is not very healthy. Of course, it will not kill you in an instant, but you will suffer the consequences for chomping down on sweet food products too often. I mean, having the craving for sweets ever so often does not hurt, but if you see a pattern emerging and you cannot wait to have something sweet, then I say there is some cause for concern here. And you should consult your physician about your sugar addiction…