Being fitness concern is something everyone should get into. I mean, being a fitness freak is something else, but being conscious about managing your weight is nothing like that. The most important thing is, it is not about looking good. Of course, a fit person looks much better than an obese person. Please do not get me wrong, I am not judging or anything, I am not trying to be mean here, it is just a fact and I am merely stating it. Now that aside, obesity will cause a multitude of physical problems. Our bodies are not designed to…
Author: Abby Ahmed
Media streaming websites have gained popularity quite a lot since their first introduction way back in the day. Fast internet speeds and powerful display devices makes media consumption over the internet a highly pleasurable experience. I mean, you do not have to sit through grueling commercial breaks in order to see what happens next in your favorite TV show if you are streaming it online. It creates the level of immersion never perceived before. Of course, there are TV channels that do not resort to commercial breaks for making profit, but you want more than that, we want complete freed…
I think you have just finished watching Restrepo, the academy award nominated documentary that featured the life Juan Sebastián “Doc” Restrepo. He was immortalized in this documentary, and his contribution to his unit will always be remembered with honor. I am sure, the documentary based on his life had a big impact on you and this is why you are actively seeking similar documentaries. Well, let me tell you this much that you are not alone, there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people looking for such documentaries. This is why, our researchers at insider monkey’s blog page…
Are you a believer in the notion of free love? Well, since you are reading this article, I think that you are. I am sure you do not need an introduction of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and YouTube. If you have been active online for the past 10 years, then you already know what these websites offer to its customers. However, the business models for each website is rather different. Anyway, we are not here to talk about the various business models of these media streaming websites, rather we will talk about the gay documentaries that are available to watch…
Lawsuits are always pretty troublesome. Lawsuits are expensive, lengthy and a whole world of problems rolled into one package if you ask me. However, I am not saying that people should look for out of court solutions to their problems, rather the opposite. Laws and court rooms are there to protect the innocents from oppression, if a person is innocent, then they have nothing to fear from the law. I think we are getting a bit off topic here, I was originally going to talk about some ridiculous lawsuits and victories of all time. Some law suits are truly ridiculous…
Food is awesome, do not get me wrong I do think that begin addicted to food is something pretty bad, but being a food enthusiast cannot hurt right? Well, as long as you watch what you are eating, more importantly how much are you eating, you will not become overweight or worse obese. I mean, putting on unwanted weight will seriously hamper you ability to function in the society, and even in your personal life. Now that said, I am a food enthusiast, I love everything from documentaries to books to events about food. The amazing thing is, there are…
Are you a conspiracy theorist? Well, to enjoy a good conspiracy theory documentary, you definitely do not have to be one. However, if you do have the habit of indulging in some conspiracy theory crafting from time to time, you are likely to enjoy these documentaries even more. As you can see from the title, we did not spare any effort while coming up with our today’s list. As we have covered the whole nine yards of online media streaming websites. The three that matters anyway, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime. However, YouTube fans do not go looking for your…
History is something that shapes the future, there is no denying it. Events that occurred thousands of years in the past, can still have a lasting effect on the present day. Just take a look at any religious activity or cultural practice of any given community. You will be able to see an influence carried on from ancient times from generation to generation. It is of absolute importance to learn about our history. To be honest, history is not always very kind, when you delve deep into it, you will come across some really disturbing information. But we must distinguish…
Okay, so just to be clear, we do not endorse smoking or the use of tobacco in anyway. If you are not a smoker, then please turn away from this article right now. Tobacco kills, no matter how ultra light the cigarettes you smoke may be, you are still going to get sick, very sick. You should quit as soon as possible, and this is coming from a former smoker, I got really sick as I have been a pack-a-day smoker for over 12 years. However, I am clean for the last three months and it did me a world…
Education does not come cheap in the United States. There are strong arguments against and for the education system adopted by the United States government, but we are not here to talk about that, at least in this article. I mean, if we take a look at Europe, there are several countries out there that provide world class education for free as the cost of education is heavily subsidized by the governments of those countries respectively. Anyway, if you happen to be in a college, and perhaps you had to pull out a student loan in order to get yourself…
Are you thinking about refurnishing your house? Or perhaps you moved to a new place and looking to buy a few ultra high end and super fancy furniture to breathe new life into your home? Either way, you will like our today’s article very much. Oh! one more thing, our today’s article will only cover New York City and New Jersey for starters, if you live some place else, I am sure we have a few similar articles down the pipeline and we will cover you location soon. Meanwhile, if you are from either location we have our findings to…
If you love nature, I mean who does not, then you are going to absolutely love this article today. However, you will have to have a Hulu subscription to watch these documentaries. I mean thanks to the advent of the internet, we are no longer bound to accept what the TV channels offer us right? Who wants to sit through excruciatingly long commercial breaks on free TV channels just to watch a TV show. Also, premium channels that do require a subscription will not play what you want to watch, they will follow a set schedule and you have to…