Are you a subscriber of Amazon Prime? I mean, it is worth it by all means. You do have to make purchases over Amazon, it is just so convenient. When you have subscription to Amazon Prime, things just become so much better. Amazon Prime subscribers not only get perks when purchasing products over Amazon, but also have access to the steaming media that is available over Amazon Prime network. There are thousands of documentaries spanning across multiple genres, but today we will only talk about medical documentaries. Medical science has come a very long way, now we are no longer…
Author: Abby Ahmed
VR or virtual reality is not a new concept, companies have been trying to implement VR since the 90s. In fact there have been devices, that used the pseudo VR technology. However, as you can guess those devices did not work particularly well. Though the concept was there, but the technology was not quite there yet. However, things have changed drastically over the years, and VR has pretty much achieved acceptable level of performance these days. The only drawback to VR as of today is the associated price. If you wish to buy a VR capable computer, and the headset…
If you are thinking about getting the Amazon Prime subscription, then I would definitely urge you to get it. It is a really good deal, and you are going get a lot out of your money if you subscribe to Amazon Prime. I mean, you will end up buying stuff from Amazon, with Amazon Prime subscription, you a tons of perks while making purchases from Amazon. On top of that, you get to watch all the amazing TV shows and documentaries that is available on Amazon Prime. Since you have shown in this particular article, I think it is safe…
YouTube is amazing for media streaming. It is free, it is much safer and it is owned by Google, what else do you need for a website to become overwhelmingly successful. Although, YouTube originally was not started by Google, but the have acquired the rights to YouTube and now run it as per their policy. Which is a good and a bad thing, depending on how you look at it. However, we will not get into that subject for this particular article. Today, we are going to talk about some amazing War Documentaries that are available on YouTube for you.…
Are you thinking about getting into direct sales? Well, if you are then this article could give you some valuable insight into this type of work. Direct sales is basically a form of business, where you assume the role of a sales person for a company. However, instead of getting salary, the business kind of works like your own business. You make sales and in contrast you make profit. You do not essentially work for the mother company, you merely represent them. The business becomes you own business, as you are entitled to the profit and not any salary. I…
India has been identified as the most promising emerging market in Asia. Naturally, many companies are willing grab hold of India’s market share. I mean, the country may not be one of the biggest in terms of geography, but over one billion people call India home. That is a large number number of potential customer. There is a lot of profit to be made from India, however Indian people are budget oriented. Even though, the country has achieved economic break through, but the general masses still live by a small amount of disposable income compared to developed countries. The trick…
Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I think you aspire to become a successful investor in the future. Perhaps you already are an investor, but you want some advice on how to be even better at investing. Well, to clear things up I am no expert on investing. But the article I am going to pitch to you has been written by someone who is and also the article has been based on tips given by most successful investors of our time. I am talking the likes of Warren Buffet here, I am sure you know how…
Now, politics is a rather sensitive subject, but it is something that affects us all. Specially the politics happening within countries where we live. Also, politics in countries that are leading the world can affect us as well. Take the United States for example. I think you live in the United States, so the US political environment will definitely affect you directly. However, someone living in a country where trade with the United States is a major source of income can be affected as well. Given the current political situation in the United States, someone in China can easily be…
Did you know that some of the word’s most biggest hotels in America are in New York? Well, if you have been living in the city, then you definitely must have come across a few of them for sure. However, if you are thinking about giving a visit to New York City, and you do not mind the expenditure associated with residing in a luxurious hotel, then I think you will like to read up our article today. Although, even if you do not plan to stay at a hotel in New York City, the article will still provide you…
If you consider yourself to be a foodie, which I very much think is the case, then our today’s list is something you will enjoy a lot. As you can see from the title, today we will talk about some documentaries that are available on Hulu right now. If you have a subscription to Hulu, then you will have access to these documentaries instantly. Although, I must say that if you do not have an active subscription to Hulu, these documentaries are certainly worth getting a subscription for. However, that solely depends on how much you want to see these…
We are continuing our quest for listing the best documentaries streaming on Hulu right now. There are just so many awesome documentaries on Hulu, spread across so many different genres that it is going to take a while. For our genre, today we picked medical documentaries. I mean, take a look at a few medial drama or comedy shows, they do pretty well. Now why should the medical documentaries be any different. If you have not seen any medical documentaries before, you should definitely give it a shot, it is worth it. I mean, you cannot go into a medical…
If you are in the habit of reading, then you are definitely no stranger to Amazon’s kindle. It is probably the most popular e-reader to date. Of course, any smartphone can also be used to read e-books, but kindle is the complete solution to e-reading. Now, hardcover books have not gone obsolete as of yet, and as long as enthusiasts keep buying hardcover books, they will not go out of fashion either. However, the advantages of having a e-book reader instead of carrying an actual book is quite obvious. Of course, you will not get the retro feel, but retro…