Author: Abby Ahmed

Okay, checking accounts are kind of falling out of fashion these days. Well, for day to day use at least, it is much more convenient to have a credit card or a debit card handy. On the other hand, if you plan to pay a big amount of money, then these methods may not be as convenient. Also, the recent economic condition has brought about massive changes to the whole banking system of the US. As you can see from the title, we will talk about 7 banks that offer free checking accounts with no minimum balance requirement, that is…

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The United States along side Canada has the most toughest criteria for becoming a doctor. So, if you aspire to become a doctor in the United States, then you better be ready for a rather tough fight. Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I think it is safe to assume that you not only wish to become a doctor from the United States, but also would like to complete your residency program from one of the best institutions the country has to offer. There are several residency program options available for you. The list I have for…

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Before we begin, I would very much like to comfort you and say that do not get alarmed. Another depression is not coming and financial analysts are sure that such an event is not going in the United States in the foreseeable future. However, that does not mean we do not have to study the great depression, it is an invaluable lesson and there is a lot that we can learn from it. This article is aim at those who wish to learn about the great depression and I assure you once again that nothing like this is going to…

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India is a highly progressive country in the region. India has come a long way since its independence in 1947. Women in India are highly career oriented, and are working toe to toe with men in the country. Today we will talk about some online jobs that Indian moms can do right from home. Being a mother is not easy, no matter wherever a person is. In India it is a bit more difficult, as many in India have a traditional mindset and would not want moms go out for work leaving their children behind. Indian moms themselves think like…

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Engineering is one of the most diverse form of applied science. I mean, our entire society is driven by technology, and engineers are the people who basically transform a revolutionary idea into usable products. If you are an engineer, and you are thinking about a career in healthcare or in a hospital, then there are plenty of job opportunities for you out there. Even though it might seem that engineers should work in a factory or in a production facility, but the truth, where there is technology at play, there is the need for capable engineers. The healthcare field is…

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Doctors in the United States must under go a lot of hardship before they can begin practicing. Many consider United States and Canada to be the most toughest places to become a doctor in. Therefore, I would like to congratulate you on your resolve in becoming a doctor from the United States. Now that said, you are clearly not satisfied with getting a degree from any medical program, rather you want the very best that is available in the United States. In extension, it can easily be said that what is considered best in the United States, at least in…

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Are you a smoker? If the answer is yes, then I urge you to quit smoking, it is an extremely bad habit. I have been a smoker for over 15 years. It did not do me any good, rather caused me a lot of health problems. Thankfully, I managed to quit smoking before I had to face anything major. You should too put some effort into quitting smoking, if not for your sake, try quitting for the sake of those you love. As you can see from the title of our today’s article. We will be listing the states where…

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So you are in college and looking for a way to make some extra cash? well, if that is the case then I believe our today’s article will help you out in many ways. Also, if you have recently graduated and are looking for a job in the medical field, then we have a few jobs for your to look into as well. Basically, jobs from the medical field tend to be highly rewarding, not just in terms of money, you just feel great on the job. You get to experience the feeling of helping someone going through a difficult…

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India has certainly made a name for itself in recent years. As the Indians proudly say that India is the world’s largest democracy, which is true considering that there are over a billion people living in India and voting freely in elections. However, the focus of our article today will not be the democratic practices of India, rather the logistics companies that are driving the economy of this country. India by no means is a huge country in terms of geography. However, it is certainly the most powerful economy in the region after China. Many speculate that given enough time,…

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Conspiracy theories have always been the laughing stock for the general masses. But, after Donald Trump became president a lot of people received a huge shock to their system. Naturally, new conspiracy theories started emerging left, right and center. While it is true, that most of the conspiracy theories floating about are nothing but outrageous, ludicrous and baseless. However, there are some that will send chills down your spine even thinking about them. The last US election paved the way for new and even more believable conspiracy theories. Today, we have a collection of that to share with our readers.…

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Are you worried about the future of your Children? Do not answer that, that was a rhetorical question. I know full well that children our children are the most precious to us, and as parents, we do our very best to give them everything we possibly can. Now, if your child is having difficultly in learning in a regular school, then you might want to consider sending him/her to a good boarding school. I have never been to a boarding school, but the general consensus regarding boarding schools is that troubled children do well in boarding schools. They learn how…

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There was once a time when small form factor was everything about mobile phones. However, that era has long gone. Nowadays, we primarily use our phones for media consumption and social networking and of course selfies. This gives the best experience when paired with a huge screen preferable with a high resolution. Though most phones opt for the full HD resolution of 1080X1920, but some go for even higher resolutions. Higher resolutions means, sharper image with crisp details and high color accuracy. I know that most smartphone screens these days do a very good job, but there are exceptions in…

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