The first 10 amendments made to the constitution is collectively known as the bill of rights. I am sure you know that, but there are basically 10 amendments, which 7 are the most important that is the question here. Well, the bill of rights was drawn up to put prohibitions on governmental power. It was put there so that the government presiding over the states can never infringe the rights of the individual citizen. In other words, the the bill of rights was written up by James Madison to answer the call of several states for greater protection for liberties…
Author: Abby Ahmed
Can you tell me the name of the most dangerous animal ever to walk the earth? If you are thinking T-Rex or sabre tooth tiger or any other feral creature then you way off track. In fact the answer is much closer to home than you think. It is us, the human species is the most dangerous animal ever to roam the Earth. Cannibalism is something that even the wild animals would avoid at least as long as there is a choice. However, we however indulge in it for no reason at all, other than some kind of sick pleasure…
When done right, karaoke can be immense fun for both the performer and the audience. However, not all of us are blessed with a singing voice and this is the main step to overcome when considering your karaoke songs. I mean, not every song written requires and amazing voice to pull off. There are some pretty amazing songs out there that anybody can perform with pretty good results. However, since you have shown interest in this particular article, then I am going to have to assume that you are thinking about singing some Spanish songs. Which is perfectly fine, but…
I am going to assume straight away that you are a student, and since the summer vacation is going on, you would like to make some quick bucks to help with your pocket money. Or perhaps, you are looking to buy something, and you would not want to bother your parents with it. Either way, the jobs that we are going to talk about today, will definitely help you achieve your objective. As you can see from the title, all of these jobs pay a minimum of 20 dollars an hour, which is substantial now matter how you look at…
Unfortunately, I am not a good argument maker, and therefore I never got the chance to participate in a debating contest. However, I love watching debates on the TV. It is really interesting to watch, especially if you do not have a predetermined side that you ought to support. In the case of the participants they are assigned but for the audience, they can enjoy and let their mind be open in any given topic and thus form a free opinion. This is why I love watching debates rather than participating in them. Since you have shown interest in this…
Healthcare is a booming industry, and it has been like that for quite some time. Today, we will talk about a few nursing specialties where nurses seem to express the highest amount of job satisfaction. Now, do not get me wrong, the entire profession of nursing is quite satisfactory. I mean, as a nurse you get to help people through a very difficult time of their life, which is pretty satisfying. I have never worked as a nurse, but I have had the opportunity to help others, and that filled me with satisfaction and content. Now that said, sometimes the…
I find snakes to be pretty disgusting, however I do understand full well that they have their place in the ecosystem, and they are not aggressive as the movies and TV shows would have us believe. Anyway, I would rather avoid them than to have them as a pet. Which is perfectly fine, if you know what you are doing. As snakes can be quite dangerous if you do not handle them with care. Nature has provided the snakes with a deadly biological weapon, their venom. Many people suffer gruesome deaths due to snakebites. Thankfully, antivenom is available in all…
Medical science has come a very long way. Thanks to medical science, the average life expectancy is higher than ever for us all across the globe. There are many branches that has stem from the basic medical science and Optometry is one of them. Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I can assume that you are already aware what Optometry actually is. Regardless, let me give you a brief rundown of what Optometry is and why it is important. I am sure you can guess that it is related to eye treatment, basically Optometry is diagnosis of…
We have been doing a series of best residency programs across America on various specialties. Today we will talk about the best pediatric residency programs. I am sure, that I do not have to tell you how difficult it is to become a doctor in the US. Many believe that becoming a doctor in the US and also Canada is the hardest in comparison to any other country in the world. So kudos to you for not taking the easy way out and sticking to you goal of becoming a doctor from the US. So, you not only want to…
Australia is an amazing country. It is far away from the rest of the world, but that does not mean it is any less developed or less progressive than the rest of the world. Though most of this massive country is inhabitable, but the inhabitants have made the best of what is available to them. This is why we have some of the most beautiful cities in the world in Australia. Now that said, as you can see from the title of this article, not everything is fun and games in Australia. People do tend to kill themselves there as…
Karaoke is fun, its fun for the person singing and its fun for the ones who are listening. If you are staring at a karaoke night coming up pretty soon, and you want to nail your performance then I think our today’s list is going to help you with that. Now, we all know that not everyone is a singer and not every song sound great sung in the same voice. Without getting too technical about it, I can say there there are two vocal ranges sopranos and altos. If you fall in the latter category, I mean if you…
I would like to start by talking a bit about threat and opportunity. While I was in business school, I discovered that threat and the opportunity are basically two sides of the same coin. At least in terms of business that is. If a situation arises, and your organization is not prepared to adapt or take advantage of that situation, then it is going to be a threat for your organization. On the flip side, if your organization is prepared and adaptable to the change, and is able to take advantage of the given situation then the same situation becomes…