Author: Abby Ahmed

Are you by any chance thinking about moving to India? Well, since you have shown interest in this particular article, I think it is rather safe to assume that you are giving the idea some thought. India is a beautiful country, the colorful culture, the wonderful people all come together to form a rather interesting place to live. However, moving to India definitely has its drawbacks as well. Take the weather for example, being a westerner you are likely accustomed to much cooler weather, and India is hot very hot and also humid. Now that seriously affect you stay there.…

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The internet is an amazing platform. It can be anything that you want it to be. For some the internet is the source of news, a place where they can hangout with friends and family, entertainment center there are just endless things that you can do with the power of the internet. However, we are going to take a look at the commercial aspect of the internet today. Online businesses are nothing new, there have been online business from the early days of the internet. However, things picked up when online transactions were made secured. Anyway, if you are thinking…

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The idea of working as an expat can be pretty tempting. I mean, who would not like to see a bit more of this wonderful world. If you choose to become an expatriate, then you are going to visit new countries and also make a decent living. However, there are certain drawbacks to the expat lifestyle. Specially in recent years, expatriates have been really suffering from a lot of issues. Given the current political condition of the world, there are several countries that have become rather hostile to foreigners. If you are thinking about taking up a job in a…

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The electrical engineers are going to be the architects of our future. Everything from the basic light bulb to the super computers run on electricity. Electronic gadgets have took the world by storm. While it is true that the more often than not an idea is conceived by a geneticist, and then the engineers take the idea and form it into a usable end product. Which we all reap the benefit from. Electrical engineers are wonder workers in my opinion. Every organization from hospitals to the military needs electrical engineers working for them. There is just not shortage of jobs…

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Fashion is something that is constantly evolving. If you like to keep up with the fashion, then it is paramount that you keep up to date regarding all the fashion accessories out there. I do not think there is anything more that speaks out fashion than a designer handbag. Of course, that means this article is going to only appeal to our female readers. Unless of course, you are thinking about buying the woman in your life a fancy handbag. I myself do not know much about handbags. Handbags are a woman thing, and being a man I never took…

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I am sure that everyone on both sides of the iron curtain sighed in relief after the cold war ended. I mean, the world’s most powerful nations at each other throats is not a good thing. Both sides had pretty capable personnel and when it comes to the spies, the stories feel like nothing short of a James Bond movie. Of course, spying was considered an offense that warranted the capital punishment but nevertheless both sides did it. In our today’s article, we do not wish to judge or say this side was better than the other side. Today, we…

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The United Kingdom is one of the most advanced nations of the world. However, that does not mean the United Kingdom is free of problems. One of the biggest problem faced by the United Kingdom is population. Well, to be honest most first world countries have this issue. Not that the native population in increasing at an alarming rate, rather immigrants are over populating the cities. Today, we will be talking about the quite a few densely populated cities in UK. Of course, despite the high population density these modern cities are getting by pretty good, but if things do…

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The stock market is a very good way to make a living, millions of people world wide is taking the advantage of this financial instrument and making quite a decent amount of money. Stock markets is a win-win situation, it brings about companies that need additional funding but are not willing to go for debt, and the investors who just want to increase their wealth. It is a pretty stable investment option, however things can sometimes go wrong and there is an element of risk involved that I think is true for all forms of businesses. More experienced stock market…

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There is no denying that electricity is the driving force behind our development as a race. We are surrounded by electronic gadgetry, from the very complex computers that we use, to the switches we use to turn on the lights work because of electricity. In other words, if you happen to be an electrician then you should not have any difficulty making a living. Every house needs electrical repairs and inspection every now and then and factories and other business organizations need that even more frequently. For an electrician, all of these is an opportunity to make money and build…

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Orthodontists are basically doctors who specialize in surgical dentistry. But, I guess you already know that and the probability is that you are an orthodontist yourself. Well, if you are an orthodontist and you think that you are underemployed then I am sure you will love this article. Our researchers have done a tremendous job of finding out and then listing the best paying states for orthodontists. Of course, our research is based on various statistics and facts, which you will be informed in detail as you read through the main article. This however, is a mere intro and I…

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I am a foodie, I mean I can sleep anywhere and wear torn clothes, but I must eat amazing. Otherwise, I just cannot function as a person in society and in my workplace. I am guessing I am not alone in this, and there are billions of others who think like me when it comes to food. However, today we will only talk about amazing lunch spots inside New York City. There are over eight million people living in New York City, and as you can imagine a huge number of those 8 million have to eat in a restaurant…

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Did you know that India is the world’s largest democracy? Well, India is not the largest democracy by landmass, but it definitely has more voters than any other democratic country in the world, and by this measure it can be surmised that India is the world’s largest democracy. All I am getting at is that India is probably the largest free market in the world, and capturing the Indian market can mean a lot of profit for any organization. However, the average Indian shopper is quite budget conscious. Impulse buying is not something that Indians do very often. In other…

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