When it comes to personal entertainment, The Walt Disney company rules it all. Although, the Walt Disney company started as a company that only made animation for children, but soon enough they started diversifying. Now Disney has made its way into entertainment for the whole family. Apart from their own production studios, Disney has acquired quite a few companies in the past few decades. Although, not all of the acquisitions worked, but some definitely has taken off real good. Take the acquisition of Lucasfilms for example. Startwars has been a franchise that we can all go back to and enjoy.…
Author: Abby Ahmed
Are you looking for a part time job? Well, its summer and if you are a student, during summer you have a lot of free time in your hand. Why not utilize this time to make some money and more importantly gain some real world experience that will go a long way in life. Part time jobs are awesome for students, as you will have enough time in your had after work to do your studies, on top of that you will even have spare time to hang out with friends and family. The thing is the long summer holidays…
Prank calling is not a good thing, let me just start the article by saying that out loud. I mean, who have not heard the story of the “boy who cried wolf” right? You never know how your prank calls may affect others around you. But it seems that we are kind of hardwired for pranks. I mean, pulling a prank on someone is fun when done right. But many would argue that that’s the devil’s influence. Today we are going to dabble in the realm of prank calling, a realm we dare not venture very often. So please, be…
Since the early childhood we have been accustomed to the idea of being scored. I mean, while in school we have been assigned grades according to our performance, and been told countless times that we need to better ourselves to move up in life. However, when we get into jobs the evaluation system still continues and now we are scored and ranked based on the performance on the job. Unfortunately, if a person under-performs on the job, he/she is going to get fired eventually. Today w are going to talk about a very harsh but effective employee ranking methodology. The…
Since you have shown interest in this particular article, I think you are considering doing some renovation to your home and on top of that, you plan to do it by yourself. I do not know about other stuff, but I can assure you that when it comes to flooring, we got your covered there. Laminating is a process through which amazing floorboards can be made. I mean, if you are running a bit short on budget and do not want to break the bank buying expensive tiles or even wood, then laminating is what you ought to get. I…
Homosexuality is still something high debated all across the world. Pretty much every major religion condemns it and in all Abrahamic religions homosexuality is punishable by death. Anyway, in recent times homosexuality has been the hot topic of social media. Many states have made gay marriages legal and so on. Today we are going to give you a list of the top 15 gayest cities in the world. If you like homosexuality, then you will find these cities quite appealing I am sure of that. However, if you do not support homosexuality then you better avoid these cities at least…
If you browse the internet often, then I am sure you have stumbled upon many advertisements and sponsored links on webpages. This is just a way of making money for the owner of the website you are visiting. If you are wondering why the blogger you so frequently visit has so much money, or why your favorite blog page is able to provide you with quality content without ever asking for money, then this is the answer right here. Adsense is a Google owned service that offers targeted text, video or image advertisements. Now obviously Google gets the biggest cut,…
Online dating is all the rage these days. There are so many online websites that keep count of all them is really difficult. I mean, statistics show that you are much more likely to find your soulmate online than in real life. The online dating services extend your reach so much that it is just unbelievable. I am not talking about long distance relationships, it has been proven over and over again that long distance relationships do not last long. But, you will be surprised to know how many people from your own city are using an online dating service.…
Au Pairs are quite common, they are basically domestic workers who in exchange for monetary allowance and boarding share some household responsibilities for the host family, specially they take care of children. Now, Au Pairs traditionally come from under developed countries, however things have changed and many your women from developed countries work as Au Pairs in their own country. It is a highly sought after profession for students who stay away from their home city or town for education. As you can guess, the payment is not that well for Au Pairs as they also receive lodging from the…
I am sure you know what VR is, VR stands for virtual reality. A technology that we have known about since the early 90s but only recently we have actually managed to come up with gadgets that can take full advantage of this particular technology. There are some big tech companies that are working to develop the best VR headset. However, the drawback to these VR headsets is the cost. Take the Oculus Rift for example, a full set up with a computer capable of running VR will cost you thousands of dollars. On the other hand, the cheaper alternative…
The president of a country is the person responsible for the country’s future. The higher the IQ of a president is, he/she able to lead the country better. Well, at least that is the general idea. Although, having a high IQ does not always mean that he/she will also be a good leader. Leadership qualities are something different. It certainly helps to have high IQ as a leader, but someone with average level of IQ can be a great leader. A high IQ and leadership qualities are not mutually inclusive, that is what I am getting at. Anyway, today we…
I am really sorry, but I have to start this article off with a bit of bad news. The United States is the most powerful country in the world, but it is definitely not the most healthiest. In fact about 70 % of adults are considered to be overweight and among those 70 percent, roughly 35 percent are obese. Now this definitely gives us a clear picture that the US citizens are not eating healthy. The numbers do not lie, and if this trend continues, it will not be long when it will become quite difficult to find a fit…