Okay, if you are not 21 or at the legal age for going into a bar in your state, please turn away right, this article is not meant for you. Now since that is out of way, we are free to proceed with our article of the day. When getting into a bar, you have to either look the part, or present the security with papers that will confirm your age to them. Without that, you cannot get into a bar period. Now, since you have shown interest in this particular article, I am going to assume that you do…
Author: Abby Ahmed
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he hardly knew how important of a discovery it is going to be. The invention of telephone had revolutionized how we transmitted information. As we live in the age of information technology, we can truly appreciate the value of knowing the right information at the right time. However, the telephone has a dark side to it as well. Take the prank calls for example, the sole purpose of prank calls is to annoy people. Well, we admit that sometimes it can be a clean source of innocent fun, but people have gone through…
As parents, we always want the best for our children. Problem solving is an essential life skill that anyone will benefit from. The sooner we introduce our children to activities that will help them acquire this essential skill the better. As the title reads, today we will be talking about some problem solving activities that are perfect for preschoolers to comprehend and also learn a lot from. Definitely, the mind of preschooler is not going to be fully developed, so we cannot overburden it with tough decisions and complex calculations. We need to be very careful so that they can…
Ever since the advent of social networking, a lot of things changed overnight, along with how manufacturers market their products to us end users. Online shops and market places were prevalent on the internet, but that meant only someone intent on buying will actually visit the webpages of their own accord, which completely eliminates the aspect of impulse buying. Thanks to Facebook, and similar social networking websites, marketers can just advertise their products to a large audience while they are just doing their thing on these social networking sites and not looking to buy stuff. In our today’s article we…
If you have a karaoke party coming up soon, then this article just might be the thing you need to read up on. I know its 2017 and the title clearly says 2016, but it has hardly been a year and good music is known be trendy for decades, let alone a single year. If you work on these songs beforehand, I can assure you, you will be able to win over any crowd with these songs regardless how hard they might be. Although, be warned that some songs that made it into the list may require more than average…
There are a lot of reasons why karaoke singing is so popular. Impressing a girl is just one of those reasons. When it comes to making a good impression on a girl, karaoke singing is a very good way of doing it. Now from experience, let me tell you this that it is not very easy to impress a girl to begin with. Even if you have impressive singing skills, that alone will not be enough to keep her impressed for long. Now that said, karaoke singing skills can definitely get a girl interested in you and it can be…
Asthma is a terrible disease, I mean every ailment is terrible but when it comes to asthma, if you do not have it you will never be able to comprehend how difficult it is. Unfortunately, I have this terrible disease, and I know how it feels. The closest you can get to an asthma attack is if you were to pinch your nose shut and then tried to breathe. Asthma can get triggered by a lot of things, for some it could be pollen, cold, allergies there are a lot of triggers for it. The best thing to do would…
When it comes to controversies, Pakistan has its fair share of it. I guess, being the neighbor of the most promising country in South East Asia is not that easy, I am talking about India of course. Also, I am not going to ignore the elephant in the room, majority of the Pakistani population are Muslims. Given the current political condition of the world, that does not help either. I am a Muslim and the idea that every Muslim is a terrorist is just not true. This mentality is quite comparable to what the Nazis had of the Jews, which…
Whenever you are watching live TV, or just browsing the internet you will get loads of advertisement blasted at you. Now, this can be quite annoying at times and rightfully so. But, the thing for businesses to make sales, it is paramount that they give ads to their products and I get that. Today we are going to talk a bit about advertising salesmen or rather advertising salespersons. You know that only men do not work in the industry and there are many empowered women who are making a name for themselves. Now that said, advertising salesperson basically sell media…
Now calling people out and pointing fingers is not something that we are comfortable about. If you see the name of your country in the list, then we would like to say that there is definitely firm reasoning behind our decision to put your country’s name in this list. The research was completely objective, and we had to do it for the same of raising awareness. We hope that things improve, and we would very much like it if there were no countries that we could put in this list. Unfortunately, we managed to find at least 10 countries that…
The primary concern for every business organization is to make profit. However, sometimes business concerns make such decisions in order to increase their profit that it sometimes goes beyond fair trade policy and business ethics. If you are buying products from such companies then you are supporting their agenda passively, which is something quite undesirable. Although, this article is only going to talk about clothing companies located in the US and Canada, but this applies to any business concern located anywhere in the world. If you are using some dodgy method of cutting costs and maximizing their profits, we should…
Let’s start by talking about over-the-counter or OTC drugs for a bit. OTC drugs are basically those drugs that you do not need a prescription for to pickup from a drug store. Now that said, unfortunately it is true that most of the US population is overweight. According to the research conducted by CDC (Centers for Disease Control) by 2020 three quarters of the entire population of the US will become overweight or obese, unless of course some measures are taken up by the government and also the public. Measures like changing the food habits, emphasis towards exercise and so…