Author: Abby Ahmed

There was once a time when people thought of video games as a mere fad, and soon to be forgotten. Boy how wrong they were, video games did not just thrive but it is now considered to be a bigger industry that the movie industry. Personal entertainment has been completely revolutionized, thanks to rapid and drastic development of technology. The video games have received the biggest buff of all types of other personal entertainment media from this development. Way back in the day a few pixels on the screen represented the whole story, but now video games look prettier than…

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As you can gather from the title, if you are not an animal lover then this article is not meant for you. On the other hand, if you are an animal lover then this article can definitely show you how you can make a living while working with the animals. If you love your job, then you will progress much further and faster, this is an universal truth. Now, you can channel your love for the animals into something from where you can actually earn a lot of money. Work will hardly seem like work if you love it right?…

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The United States has always welcomed the bright and the brilliant from all over the world. The field of dentistry is no exception to that either. If you take a look at any renowned US school, you will find quite a few foreign students in every class. If you happen to be a foreign educated student, and would want to finish your studies in US, then I believe this list will definitely help you find the best residency program for you. There are a lot of dentistry schools in America, but not all of them are regarded as highly as…

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Are you looking into a job of medical secretary? Well, if you are then rest assured that a job of a medical secretary is very similar to any secretary job in the market. If you have experience as a secretary then you will fit right in and will be able to take up your responsibilities after a brief orientation. You will basically be asked to do regular secretary jobs like managing appointments, take phone calls, schedule meetings for your employer and so on. Now that said, since you are thinking about joining up as a medical secretary, why not consider…

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Every organization needs resources to operate. However, the most important resource is said to be the human resource that a company has. Every other kind of resource can be substituted, but if a company fails to retain its human resources, it is bound to fail. Human resources are the people who work for the company. Although the market is saturated with potential job seekers, but the manager of a company wants the very best personnel working for the company, and he/she not just wants to recruit them but also wants them to stay with the company for long term. The…

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Have you always wanted to soar through the skies? Well, since you have shown interest in this particular article, I think it is quite safe to assume that you want to learn how to fly. Now, learning to fly is not just about fulfilling your lifelong hobby. If you are good at it, then you can easily make a decent living from flying civilian aircraft. There is one tiny problem however, that is the cost associated with going to a flight school. Education is not cheap in the United States. No matter where you go to college, you will need…

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Arthritis and Fibromyalgia are two very debilitating ailments that can seriously affect your life. Many people are afflicted by these health conditions and have to deal with excruciating pain every day. Unfortunately, these diseases cannot be fully cured, and can only be kept under control. If you are suffering from any of these health conditions or worse both of them, then you must follow a strict routine and lifestyle in order to keep them under control. Did you know that the place you live can also have an impact on these health conditions? Well, if you did not then you will…

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Okay, this is going to be very interesting indeed. As you can see from the title, today we are going to talk about and list the professions that get sued the most. Perhaps, the nature of their job is so sensitive, that one slip up and the clients are going to sue. Now that said, if someone is negligent at his/her job then I think the ability to sue them is definitely something necessary. But, when clients abuse this ability, then things take a completely different turn and we do not support that. Now that said, if you are wondering…

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If you are getting bored of not doing anything during the summer break, then you just might want to take a shot at doing jobs. I mean, you should definitely complete school before you pick up a serious job, but eventually you will have to get a job so why not gather some real life experience beforehand. When it comes to jobs, the earlier you start the better. Of course, the pay you are going to get at least for your first few jobs, will be absolutely terrible. But, what your first few jobs will provide will stay with you…

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It is extremely fun to work with children. As a pediatrician, you must have a lot of fun at work. Pediatricians are not just doctors, they have to be very friendly and patient as well. Working with Children is fun, but definitely not easy. As you can see from the title, today we will be talking about the best states for pediatricians in US. If you happen to be a pediatrician and you think that currently you are underemployed, then perhaps moving to one of these states may solve your problem. Our list of 25 best states is also ranked,…

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Cardiology is the branch of medicine that deals with heat diseases and abnormalities in its operation. The heart is an extremely important organ, the primary job of the heart is to supply other organs with the much needed blood. Blood carries all the nutrients that our organs need to function properly and to propel the blood through millions of veins and vessels we need our heart in perfect condition. If our heart does not function properly, a lot of other diseases will take hold of our body for sure. If you are having heart problems of any sort, please take…

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Most European countries are highly developed and open minded. In other words, an American citizen would have no problem blending in in matter of days. There might be one little hurdle, that most European countries do not speak English. If that is not a problem for you, then you can just open the map of Europe and put your finger on any location and you will be just fine. However, if you are seriously considering the idea of permanently moving to Europe for a very long period of time, then you might need to consider a few things here and…

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