Author: Abby Ahmed

If you have been following us for sometime, then you know that this is another installment of our “best states” series of articles. Here, we basically take a look at a certain line of work, and then go through all the data available on the internet to find out the best states for the said profession. Today, in the same light we will be taking a look at the best states for accountants and auditors. Although, both professions share similarities, but they are distinctly different. However, our reasoning behind covering these two professions in a single article is that the…

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Often US retirees would seek out an overseas heaven to spend their golden years of retirement. Now, there are several reasons behind this move by US retirees, but the main reason being having a piece of mind financially. It is very true that after you retire, you will not have the cash inflow you used to have, and that means a lot of constraints will be put on your spending habits, unless you move to a place where cost of living is much lesser than the United States. However, as a retiree there are other concerns as well. Things like…

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Music is an amazing medium for expressing our feelings and emotions. Music has been part of our culture since the time immemorial, scientists have found evidence of prehistoric bone flutes and other rudimentary forms of musical instruments even in Neanderthal dwellings from the prehistoric period. It says quite a lot about our development as a species over thousands of years. Music is something that is always evolving, always changing without ever losing its appeal and credibility. It is a dynamic form of art, that can reach out even through tremendous distances and beyond boarders. It is only natural that in…

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If you live in the United States, and you are a high school student, then you probably love summer quite a lot. Summer means no schools, no home works at least not until the school is about to open and then you need to put some time into finishing the due home works. However, during most of summer you will have a lot of free time in your hand. So basically if you want to do something extra curricular, summer is petty much the perfect time for it. Also, there will be a lot of opportunities available to you, as…

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Telecommunication has been revolutionized ever since the advent of cellular phones or mobile phones. I am not talking about the smartphones here, of course the smartphones is the big thing nowadays, but telecom companies built up their subscriber base way before there existed the smartphones. Back in the day, having a phone that was not plugged to a wall was considered pretty cool. It was then when the telecom companies actually blew up and mobile phones became the norm. There are a lot of telecom companies operating around the world, and this industry is pretty solid for new investors. If…

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Air travel has become the primary means of getting from point a to point b these days. I mean, its fast, its convenient and its much safer. Well, that is something the airlines operating all over the world would have us believe. The thing is, air travel has become much safer but it is not completely devoid of risk. Most airlines operating nowadays have a strict policy of operations and they maintain strict regulations so that their operations can be as safe as today’s technology would allow. However enforcing this type of regulations take up a lot of resources and…

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Part-time jobs are awesome. You get good payments and highly flexible work schedule. However, along with these advantages, part-time jobs also has some distinctive disadvantages compared to full-time jobs. One such disadvantage is the absence of health insurance policies for part-time workers. Now, this might not be a big deal for many who work part-time. But, having this could only improve your life. Why not try for part-time jobs that offer such benefit. But the thing is, most part-time jobs that you will come across, will not offer you the health insurance benefit. This is why our researchers took it…

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If you are thinking about a trip to Europe, then we have a really good article for you today. As you can see from the title, today we will talk the plane fares, or rather cheap plane fares that you can take advantage of when traveling to Europe. If you are not careful, the traveling expenses can mount up really high and the more you spend in traveling, the less you will have when you actually arrive at the destination. I am sure you do not want that. Now that said, if you take the routes we are prescribing then…

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Many harbor the misconception that the jail is to keep the felon in isolation only, and its sole purpose is to ensure that people who have committed crimes can never get out into the society. However, for the majority of the prisoners serving sentences, prison is merely a means of their education. This temporary isolation instills the sense of responsibility in them, and also its intended purpose is to facilitate the rehabilitation. It can be argued that there are many prisoners who have committed repeated offenses even after getting a prison sentence, but most do not re-offend. This large percentage…

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If after seeing the title, you are going “OMG what the heck?” then this article is probably not for you. On the other hand, if your reaction to the title is “wow, this is cool” then I invite you to continue reading, because things will get a lot cooler before we are done today. Now, the pet industry is thriving, especially in the west. Though most pet owners are satisfied with the run of the mill cat or dog, but there are those who want to go hardcore when it comes to pets, and would not mind petting a venomous…

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Do you live in New York City? Or are you planning a visit to the Big Apple in April next year? Well, regardless what your situation is, New York City will treat you well. No matter what your interests and kicks are, you are going to have plenty of it in New York City. NYC is probably the best city in the world, and you do not have to take my word for it, ask any of the 8 million people living in the city and they will attests to this fact. Well, just like any other big city NYC,…

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Farming is one of the most peaceful and tranquil way of life. Unfortunately, in modern times people are becoming more and more distant from it, which is really a shame. But, this is how the world works, there is no changing that. Anyway, if you own a piece of land that you wish to turn into a productive farm, then perhaps our today”s article will help you do it. I am going to assume that the piece of land you own is enough to establish a small to moderate farm. Now, the idea behind every business venture is the maximize…

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