Author: Abby Ahmed

If you are into photography then you will most certainly love this article. Photography is a form of art, and you may have talent, but you must hone your skills to get better at it. There are quite a few photography courses online that allow you to learn about this spectacular form of art, but they do not offer you a certificate. A certificate will enable you to prove that you are skilled with the camera and apply for jobs. Of course, having a certificate is not enough, you will also need a strong portfolio to go with it, but…

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Plants and trees are one of the most ancient lifeforms that still survives to this day. I am sure, I do not have to tell you how important it is that we ensure their survival, because if we don’t we are only dooming ourselves. Trees are the natures way of keeping the planet clean and habitable. Tress are also play the most vital role in the food chain, and if its broken our survival will be in jeopardy. Another interesting fact about trees is that depending on the species, the tress can grow really huge in size and live for…

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New York City is a bustling hub of over 8 million people. No matter what you fancy, you will always be able to find something to do in the five massive boroughs of this amazing city. Now that said, depending on the season you could get to do some cool stuff. Spring is considered by many the most awesome time to be in New York City. If you are planning a visit to The Big Apple the coming May, you are going to have a blast, that much I am certain of. If you are into Broadway, then you can…

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I am sure no matter which part of the world you live in, you are familiar with the works and theories of Albert Einstein. He is considered by many to be the greatest mind of recent history. However, we mostly know him as a scientist, a physicist rather. We hardly ever bother to learn about him as a person. In fact today we will talk about some of his quotes that will establish that he was not merely a scientists, but he was also well versed in other aspects of life as well. As you can see from the title,…

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The United States have long been a beacon of freedom and hope for those who seek it. This is why, the United States have one of the most diverse population compared to other countries. Naturally, people from all parts of the world can be found in The United States. Hinduism is the fourth largest religion in the world with about 900 million Hindus living all over the world, although the largest concentration of Hindus can be found in Asia. That said, there is a huge Hindu community living in the United States, and if you belong to that community, then…

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If you love reading then I am sure that you have come across the writings of the others that we are about to list in our today’s article already. The thing is, technology has advanced so far ahead that people no longer read that often. There are so many other forms of entertainment available, that reading just is not something that people do on a regular basis. There are movies, video games, the internet and so on and so forth that people rather spend their time on those than just reading books. However, there is still quite the sizeable market…

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If you are working in any of the professions that made our today’s list, then you can pat yourself on the back, because chances are you possess quite the high level of IQ. IQ is the acronym for Intelligence Quotient, or the method of quantifying one’s intelligence. Basically through IQ your intelligence is represented via a number. The higher the number is, the higher IQ you possess, or rather the more intelligent you are. The average IQ is about 100, if you score higher than that number, then you are above average. Although, it must be state that having a…

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Our children are the most precious to us, there is no doubt about it. If you have decided to become a stay home mom for the sake of your children, then I am sure you have made the right decision. However, through the power of the internet, you can still supplement your family’s income and you do not have to be just a stay home mom always. I mean, you can stay home yet make money easily. The internet allows for online commerce, and you just need to take advantage of it. In order to sell products, you no longer…

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Before we begin, we must mention that we mean no disrespect towards the countries and their capitals that made out list today. Our sole intention is to have some innocent fun, and more people will become aware of these countries in the process as well. There are quite a lot of countries in the world, however this is not a constant. Many countries take over other countries and many countries gain independence on a regular interval. It is quite hard to keep track of things, if you are not directly involved. We believe, through our today’s article we will be…

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Perhaps snakes are the least understood creatures in the whole world. We possess an innate fear of snakes, because of our genetic memory. However, we are no longer vulnerable to snakes, and in reality snakes are more afraid of us that we are afraid of them. While it is true that venomous snakes can cause serious injuries and even death, but they are beautiful creatures and they also have the right to live in this planet. If you live in a place where you encounter snakes, please refrain from harming them unless absolutely necessary. Today we will be taking a…

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New York City is awesome for so many reasons that it warrants a list of its own. However, in this list we will only talk about the stuff that you can do with your boyfriend. Romantic relationships are extremely important in life, it completes us as a person, and it also teaches us about life a great deal. If you have a serious relationship going on then it becomes your duty to work on it and make it even better for the both of you. If you have a special occasion coming up, well to be honest you do not…

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After Hitler assumed power the Jews have suffered more than any other religious or ethnic group in history. However, after the war the Jews finally had a land of their own but still Israel is an eye sore for many Arab countries. I will not get into the details as to why that is in this short intro. I am sure, you are well aware about antisemitism and the whole notion behind it. In fact, even in the west where the most of the first world countries are, Jews are subjected to hate and racism. Now that said, today we…

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