Are there healthcare jobs with flexible hours for moms and college students? With the spread of internet jobs can be done from have become extremely popular. It is especially good if you are a mom, or study at a college or university. You can spare commuting and you don’t need to spend exhausting hours with traveling. According to a study American people spend 26 minutes daily going to each way to work. 17% of them spend 45 minutes to go there and back. Insider Monkey recently published an article in which we can find lots of interesting facts about his topic.
No wonder that people search the solutions they can work from home. Commuting is not only about spending time with traveling but it includes stress, too. Stress can cause lots of health problems – from high blood pressure and cholesterol to obesity and depression. So we aren’t surprised that Americans opt for home work if they can. According to Telework Research Network, 30 million US residents telecommute, which is quite a considerable number. As for me I much prefer working from home – as I am doing it right now. It means flexible working hours, and I don’t have to worry about the public transport, whether the bus comes in time or not, I will be late or not. Although full-time workers earn more money than those who work from home, but there are less expectations towards those who choose working on the internet.
Insider Monkey now has come up with a list to show us which healthcare jobs can be done from home, if you are a mom or a student. In order to get the right information, Insider Monkey has consulted Bureau of Labor statistics that was a great help as usual. We have picked two items from their list mow: transcriptionist, and medical coding and billing. Transcribing medical recordings is a kind of job that really doesn’t need too much experience, and can be done from home. There are lots of opportunities for doing it for example you can find freelance jobs on Upwork, too. According to BLS there are more than 54,000 people who work as a transcriptionist. Medical coding and billing is a job also that allows you to work from your home. Coders translate symptoms, diagnoses, tests that are performed on a patient, for instance ultrasound, blood testing into alphanumeric and numeric codes.
For any further useful information, you should read Insider Monkey’s article about healthcare jobs with flexible hours for moms and college students.