Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) reinstated the famous Blockchain app two weeks ago. Discussing this reinstatement and the reasons behind this in a program on CNBC,  Blockchian CEO, Nic Cary, said that his company turned towards Android and made a Bitcoin wallet for Android users after Apple removed Blockchain app. This step was a huge success and got famous within days. According to Cary, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) witnessed this success and contacted his company again to develop a new Bitcoin wallet for iOS.

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“Six months ago, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) let us know that they are going to be removing our wallet app from their store and this was a big deal for Bitcoin users because hundreds of millions of people were not going to have access to learn about this interesting technology. We were a little disappointed, but we immediately started working on Android and this year, we have seen hundreds of millions of dollars in venture capital pouring to Bitcoin-related startups, and all of that money was directed towards Android related development, so Apple sort of witnessed this […],” said Cary.

Blockchain’ users base grew from one million users to 2 million users despite the ban from Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). Cary said that his company has ensured the security of the new iOS wallet and the users can make use of iOS wallet for free without any security concerns. He said that reinstatement of Blockchain on Apple store is pivotal and very exciting for both the companies. Cary said that his company has seen a really strong growth from Eastern Europe, Brazil, Argentina and Morocco. He said the there is a great potential for Bitcoin growth even in the emerging markets because many people in the world don’t have access to any kind of currency and Bitcoin is a great and flexible option for such markets.

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