, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has come up with a lot of deals with a variety of companies and organizations in the recent past. Their latest plan is ‘Amazon Campus’, which targets a reduction of textbook costs for students. Purdue University is the first to collaborate with Amazon on this and launched Purdue Student Store with them on Tuesday. President of Purdue University, Mitch Daniels talked on CNBC about this collaboration and his expectations out of this.

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 Daniels pointed out that that college division cost has increased significantly in the last decade, even more than the healthcare costs. He thinks that college books have a major part of the college division cost, which encountered more than 3X inflation in the last decade. He said that a student at Purdue University spends close to $1,200 a year on the books.

Daniels said that the book cost was the third highest in the college cost for students. He pointed out that they have taken steps to reduce the top two costs for students at Purdue. They have frozen the tuition fees for the last year, this year and for a year to come as well. He added that they have cut the cost of rooms by 5% for two consecutive years. And now, as Daniels mentioned, they are targeting the third highest cost, books, through this collaboration with, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN).

“[…] We are really pleased to be selected as Amazon’s first partner in a new program, […] 30% average reduction, we estimate, in the cost of textbooks that our students buy plus a lot more convenience,” Daniels said.

He pointed out that the exact same textbooks will be sold for lower prices through this. He said that according to their analysis, there might be a 30% reduction on new textbooks. He added that any books ordered by the University Professors, will be made available in the store. He also said that the used books might get even larger discounts from the store.

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