If you are dreaming about traveling, scuba diving, and lying in the sun, keep up reading the list of the best Caribbean Islands to visit in 2021. Insider Monkey has recently published a great article on this issue. I don’t know how you, guys out there are feeling now, but I think we really deserve sunshine again. I mean not only literally but figuratively, too. As of 2020, we have had a very bad year so far, so by the time the end of the year has come, we have got really tired.

But luckily, Christmas is approaching, when we can fill up with lights, warmth, present, and delicious meals. What’s more, the New Year is just around the corner, which will bring a much happier year. So let’s close the eyes a bit, and let’s daydream about the most excellent holiday in our life! Let’s imagine, we book a hotel room somewhere in the Caribbean, pack up our suitcases and take a taxi to the airport. And the airports are full, crowded, everyone is speaking at the same time, everyone is in a hurry to catch the flight as they can hardly wait for their holidays, exactly like us! Then our plane lands in Aruba, and we rush to the beach immediately! Now let’s imagine that we are lying in the sun, and let the sunbeams strokes our skin. Now open your eyes, and keep this feeling for the next year!

And now without any delay let’s check out two amazing destinations from Insider Monkey’s list. At first, on the fourth spot the US Virgin Islands stand, located between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean. It’s famous for its cruise ship destinations. St. Croix is the largest island of the US Virgin Islands, and it offers breath-taking white-sand beaches for you! Aruba is on the second spot on the compilation. On the Northeast coast, there are rocky mountains suitable for excursions, and on the Southwest coast, you can enjoy the silky sands. And which islands is the winner? Which island is the best destination? You will get to know if you click the best Caribbean islands to visit in 2021.
