What are the Countries With The Highest Percentage of Smokers? Smoking can be a difficult habit to stop. It is also considered to be a dangerous habit. Smoking is the cause for some of the incurable diseases. It has been estimated by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention that 15.1% of the Americans adult smoke despite the high price and taxes on the cigarettes. The awareness about the smoking has also been increased in the recent years.

In other countries, people have been found smoking in larger percentage. 5 trillion cigarettes are being smoked every year. Smoking in the developed countries has reduced to some extent, but in the eastern Bloc countries and the developing nations, the figures are still high. Most people smoke because they are stressed out. In some countries, as the stress point is higher due to the economic and the physical conditions, they start smoking the cigarettes as a sort of stress buster. In the United states, it is not taken as a public health hazard to smoke the cigarettes. Due to this view, more and more people have taken to smoking and are now addicted to cigarette smoking. In these countries, the price of the cigarette is less and hence, more affordable.

Though smoking causes injury to one’s health, it is also a good business. It is a lucrative business to produce and market the cigarettes. In recent years, the giant tobacco companies have churned out huge profits by the tobacco business. In this coming years, you will see the trend. You can also check out the brands of cigarettes with the lowest tar and nicotine content.

North Korea, Greece, and Belarus are some of the countries which have the highest percentage of smokers. In North Korea, more than 45.8% of the men smoke when compared to the average of low-income countries. These statistics make the country top this list of the heaviest smoking country in the world. 41% of men smoke more than the average for high-income countries while 34.7% of the women smoke more than the average for high-income countries. Bosnia and Herzegovina have the tallest citizens when compared to the other nations. The men are an average of 6 feet. They also tend to smoke a lot. You can check out the entire list of the Countries With The Highest Percentage of Smokers.
