What are the Best States for Forensic Science Technicians? Forensic science is the application of technological and scientific methods to aid in matters of criminal investigation. The forensic science technicians are those who apply these techniques. They often work together with investigators from other fields and work to help then with their investigation. These technicians need to have proper academic qualifications with a strong background in science subjects and technology would be useful as well. They need to undergo many training to be able to achieve their dream of becoming a forensic science expert. There are many things that might stand in the way of you becoming a forensic science technician. From education to experience, they need to have everything. So, it is only natural that one should be paid enough to make it all worthwhile.

We considered three main factors which are all equally important. The first one is the living cost in that city. Usually, people tend to look at the pay package and forget about the cost of living of that place which could end up being more expensive for you in spite of a large pay. After you the bills, you will find you have very less left which would be very discouraging keeping in mind all the hard work that you’ve put in. The next factor is the employment rates. The higher the rate of employment is, the better job opportunities there are in that state. The next factor us the annual average pay. The cost of living of each state was taken from the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center. The data about the annual salary and the employment rates have been sourced from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Texas, Indiana, and Illinois are some of the best states for Forensic Science Technicians. The annual average pay in Indiana is $60,350. The cost of living index is 87.9. Indiana has a very cheap rate of living which is very helpful. Illinois pays an average yearly salary of $65,950 and the cost of living index is 95.5. Texas has a cost of living index of 90.7 and the annual pay is $45,330. Mississippi is another great state to check out if you are a forensic science technician. They get paid about $51,630 on average per year. Check out the entire list of the Best States for Forensic Science Technicians.
