If you do not believe that great ideas always see the light of day, you really need to know which Kickstarter games have been the most successful of all time.
Kickstarter is a wonderful platform that lets innovators meet enthusiastic audience. With the help of a right pitch, you can raise quite a high amount of money to fund your projects. And game developers have managed to utilize crowdsourcing to gift us with some great games. The “Zombicide” series must be mentioned because three different editions have been entirely funded by Kickstarter. This cooperative zombie killing game brought in $2.2 million for the 3rd season “Rue Morgue” and the 2nd season “Prison Outbreak”. It also received $4 million for “The Black Plague”, a version of the game that is set in medieval days with gameplay different from other “Zombicide” games. Scythe is not a computer game, but the intricate detail and level of complexity of this board game raised a nice $1.8 million from Kickstarter. We also have role playing games like “Shadowrun Returns” and “Elite: Dangerous” have been critically acclaimed and both of them have raised nearly $2 million. We also need to acknowledge “Hex: Shards of Tale”, a multiplayer game with trading cards. Insanely popular with a Metacritic rating of 87 out 100, this game raised $2.2 million. But the all-time best Kickstarter-backed game has to be “Pillars of Eternity”. This role playing game managed to raise $4 million and the gameplay and story garnered very positive critical acclaim.
You can also check out Insider Monkey’s list of 10 Most Successful Kickstarter Games of All Time to see whether you like any of these successful games.