The school has ended and now is your turn to decide which Ivy league college is right for you. The term ‘’Ivy league’’ stands for eight athletic teams from eight colleges that actually more stand out because of the high level of education. Without being modest anyone with the degree gotten from Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Brown University, Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Cornel University or Yale University should call himself privileged. The competition is fierce and anyone should be proud just to be considered for getting in. But the problem is, how to decide which Ivy league college is right for you?

The first indicator is, of course, the graduate programs they have to offer.  Of course, all of their degrees guarantee you the job in any corporation you enter and the six-figure salary. That’s not a joke. Look at all those people who came out of those doors holding that piece of paper and when are they now? After graduating from Cornell University, Jamshid Amuzegar became the Prime minister of Iran. With the degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Pridiyathorn Devacula found his place as the Governor of the Central Bank of Thailand. And do you know who the richest Jewish Harvard’s ex-student is? That’s right-  Zuckerberg.

As you can see, all the big names come from one of those 8 colleges. So why wouldn’t you be one of them? Well educated, rich and the best out of the best. For helping you to decide what of those colleges would be most productive for you, our research team compiled a list of top 7 Ivy league colleges for graduate degrees, so check them out and become the best. Good luck!
