Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:EA) has just launched Madden NFL 15 and the company is expecting it do well as the prior versions of its NFL game have done. In the quest to make its game look more ‘real’ Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:EA) has worked even on little intricacies. Analysts expect that Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:EA) will be making nearly $350 million from Madden NFL 15. Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:EA) ‘s Founder, Trip Hawkins, discussed the release of the new game and the latest developments happening in the video game market on Fox Business, recently.

Electronic Arts Inc

“I think, the most remarkable change in Madden over the years is just, they are very similar to realism, the look and feel. It’s getting to the point now, where you can hardly tell the difference between television and the Madden game,” Hawkins said.

Hawkins mentioned that it has always been Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:EA)’s goal to make its game as accurate and realistic as possible. Hawkins feels that there has been shifts towards online and mobile world as most of the kids today have access to smartphones and tablets, making it imperative for gaming companies to come up with add-on features. He believes that in order to increase the reach of the game to new audiences gaming companies need to offer free games and offer premium features as add-ons to paying customers.

“I think we all enjoy the medium that we grow up with, the sports that we grow up with and of course I grew up with football and baseball, those are still my favorite sports, but lots of kids today they grew up with video games. So, it’s not really a surprise that they are fascinated with competition and performance in video games […],” Hawkins added.

As of June 30, 2014 D.E. Shaw’s firm DE Shaw owns more than 5.2 million shares in Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:EA).

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