Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is becoming more than just a social network outlet where people just chat or interact with each other. It’s coming out to be the biggest newsreader platform. Millions of news lovers take news from their social media feeds according to a number of studies. Instead of opening news websites separately, the idea of embedding them in your social feed is great and attractive for the majority. You can just like and follow the page of news provider and every time you login to your Facebook account, you will get the news delivered.

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As we know, Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) suffered another outage on Friday. An article on Re/code discussed a study done by Josh Schwartz, chief data scientist at Chartbeat, which measures real-time Web traffic on sites around the world. He used the outage and performed a study to evaluate the effect of Facebook’s outage on the web traffic. The results confirmed the assumption that most of the news websites rely on Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)  for their traffic. The overall traffic came down by 3% during the outage as millions of users were unable to see their news feeds and they didn’t bother to manually open the news websites.

The author of the article, Peter Kafka,  said that the study shows that scale of dependency of news websites on Facebook. If Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB)  changes its algorithm in the future or put any restriction on news producers, things will get really difficult for the news websites.

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