I am writing this post after reading to the article shared by Insider Monkey on Yahoo. In that post, they have reviewed the biggest IPOs of 2020. Amongst others, one thing which should be highlighted is that the largest world’s IPOs are from the Ant Group if the company was not blocked at the last minute by the government. The company was established by Jack Ma who was a billionaire and the aim of the company was to offer shares at $10.32 each. But, the Chinese government, at the last moment gave orders to Ant Group for revamping its business activities. This particular suspension was indefinite and was given 2 days before the offering that was being scheduled and this resulted in huge losses to the business. For instance, after breaking of this news, the share value of the parent company of Ant, Alibaba, tumbled by around 9%. According to Insider Monkey:
“While this was a good year for many companies in terms of their IPOs, not every investor needs to jump on the bandwagon and do IPO investment. This is because in this volatile market due to the pandemic, it is better to be cautious. Having said that, the IPO market bounced back to a level that has not been observed since the dot-com boom, and therefore we are here to shed light on the biggest IPOs.”
Now, without delaying anymore, we are going to start the list of companies that are amongst the 8 biggest IPOs in 2020. The first company is an AI software firm known as C3.ai which is offering an advanced level of digital transformation. This firm is providing high-level sources to those companies or customers who are looking for developing enterprise-scale AI apps in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The value chain is supported by their particular AI suite in any industry and is coming with prebuilt characteristics such as predictive maintenance, supply network optimization, fraud detection, and energy management. This company went public in the year 2020 with a value of $24 per share. The value of the market cap of the company was $12,200 million and become capable to increase $651 million with the help of an IPO. The next company on the list is Ozon Holdings PLC is amongst the largest IPOs and is the first-ever e-commerce firm in Russia. This is also popular as Amazon of Russia. This firm was started as an online bookstore in the year 1998. This company was counted amongst the 3 largest online Russian retail services. This firm became public in the year 2020 with the share value of IPO as $30 with a market cap value was $9,319 million.
We have many more companies on the list which can be read at 15 Biggest IPOs of 2020.