Which do you think the largest defence companies in the world are? Stay connected, as we have brought up with Insider Monkey’s latest article. Is there anybody out there, who wouldn’t be aware that defence industry is one of the largest industries in the world? As a matter of fact, its worth will reach more than 1,600 billions in dollars by 2025.
However, believe it or not, defence industry doesn’t have a long standing tradition, as until the World Word II manufacturers of buses or cars converted their factories into producing arms and ammunition. Then, during the Cold War the defence industry started to flourish and became larger and larger, bith in size and in revenues. After 9/11 everything has changed, countries and defence industry doubled their efforts to be larger and stronger. 2,977 people were killed in this incident, and tens of thousands were injured then. As of 2019, in a single year, top defence companies had a combined total revenue of $319 billion. Unsurprisingly, the United Sates spends much more on defence industry than any other country in the world. Consequently, the top five companies are all American companies. China is also among leaders related to defence industry.
Hereby we have picked up two companies from Insider Monkey’s list. To gain more interesting and jaw-dropping information, please jump to the list of the largest defence companies in the world. At first, here’s Northrop Grumman (NYSE:NOC) standing on the fourth spot. In 2019 the company had 28,600 billion dollars in total revenue. But this amazing amount wasn’t enough to get into the top three companies, nevertheless Northrop is among the largest mammoths in the world. Actually, it manufactures wide range of products, such as chain guns, missiles missile defence systems, military vessels. It was launched in 1994, after merging Northrop Corporation and Grumman Corporation, both companies were founded as early as 1930. The third spot is given to Boeing (NYSE:BA), as in 2019, the company made a unbelievable total revenue of $34,300 billions. Until 2018 Boeing was the largest aerospace company across the globe, but Airbus overtook it in 2019. The company’s total reveue is more than $70 billion, $34 billion comes form the defence industry.
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