Nowadays the whole world is focusing on theĀ largest biotech companies in the world, therefore we are about to check out Insider Monkey’s latest article. Biotech industry is among the most lucrative ones across the globe, and their growth doesn’t stop short. What is biotech? Actually, it’s now what the sci-fis suggest: they don’t produce biological weapons, instead biotech companies use biology to develop technology with which global health can be developed. Humanity has already managed to defeated many diseases, such as plague, polio and many others, but yet there are new ones, that threaten mankind.
All what has happened this year is an excellent example for this, as we are suffocating in the captivity of the coronavirus epidemic. We live in tears and fears, as many of us have lost somebody in an agonizing battle against this terrible disease. Therefore biotech companies aim to reduce the rates of infectious diseases, they provide tailored or specific treatments to individuals. And what are the largest biotech companies? You won’t be surprised, as they are the largest pharma companies as well. At first, Pfizer (NYSE:PFE) stqands on the fourth spot on the list, with a market cap grossed 300 billion in dollars in 2000. The whole world is concentrating on Pfizer now, after announcing they managed to develop a very promising vaccine against coronavirus. Pfizer is followed by F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG (SIX:ROG), which can boast with the second spot of the compilation. Roche is a Switzerland based company with headquarters in Basel. Interestingly, La Roche was the very first company to mass produce Vitamin C in 1934, and in 1954 it began to manufacture including Rohypnol, which later became infamous as a date rape drug. It also created the first antidepressant in 1956. As for the year of 2019, it had $63.85 billion in revenue. For further interesting facts and the gainer, please click the largest biotech companies in the world.
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