So you are 18, and want to earn some extra cash, right? Then follow our article, as we have brought Insider Monkey’s latest compilation of the 5 good paying jobs for 18 year olds with no experience required! This year has been really miserable for everyone, and you guys out there were not exceptions, either. Naturally education was a little bit easier, as you didn’t have to go to schools day by day, and let’s admit – having online lessons is pretty cool! But on the other hand, self-isolation meant you weren’t allowed to work and to get some extra money. Perhaps many of you need to help your family with earning a little plus monthly, and now you don’t know where to gather some information about it. Now, you don’t need to make any research work, since Insider Monkey has made it for you.
And now, let’s check out the top good paying jobs for 18 year olds with no experience required. We are giving only a brief foretaste from the list, but if you need more useful information, click the link above. At first, you be a pet sitter for $15/h. If you like animals, and feel you are a responsible person, you can choose being a pet sitter. As the world is getting to recover from the shock of the pandemic, industries open again, people go to work amain, therefore they may need someone who treats their pets while working. Why shouldn’t this person be you? Another good thing is you can treat several dogs at the same time, so you can earn a really considerable amount every month. The second idea on our short list for today is the job of a sports coach for $19/h. If you are extremely good at a sport, you can make good use of you ability if you combine it with earning some money. If you pick up this idea, you can meet lots of new people, and who knows – perhaps later you can find a better job by the help of your new acquintances.
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