The world of internet has been exploded since 5G was launched, therefore we thought to have a look at Insider Monkey’s latest article of the biggest telecom companies in the world. The telecom industry is among the fastest growing and most profitable industries of our modern world.
The world has been devouring the tools of the modern telecommonication, so the companies, feeling the pressure of high demand, started to produce new technology at an extremely high speed. After putting on the market the first large mobiles, it hadn’t been too much time to be able to see the first smartphones on the market. Then we saw 2G, after a while 3G, any by the time we had been able to get used to 3G, we got 4G. Hardly had we twinkled twice, manufacturers launched 5G. According to Insider Monkey’s research, the revenues of 5G infrastructure are reported to be $4.2 billion in the year of 2020. Another service of the telecom companies is to offer wide range of content libraries for constumers.
However, as of 2020 the pandemic has affected the telecom industry and its planned growth as well. As a matter of fact the telecom industry has made profit from the pandemic situation, as during the period of lockdown and self-isolation telecommunication was the only tool for people to work and stay connected with the family, relatives and friends. However, most part of the world had to make do with poorer quality of contents, as due to the pandemic everybody used the internet at the same time. This made the telecom companies double their efforts to cover all the high demand they meet especially during the second wave of the pandemic.
And now, without a further ado, let’s see a short summary from the article. At first, China Mobile is on the fifth spot with a revenue of $111,138,000 in thousands. China Mobile can boast with being the largest telecom company today. It has covered China even in the rural areas, so it is planning to turn to the global market. Comcast (US) stand on the foruth spot of the compilation with its revenues of $105,549,000 in thousands. It covers cable, broadcast and internet as well as telephone services. Comcast is reported to be the third largest telecom company across the United States. For further arresting information, please click the biggest telecom companies in the world.
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