In this article we are going to read about theĀ 5 biggest newspapers in the US, published by Insider Monkey recently. Newspapers have always played a great role in the history. When there was no internet, TV, or even radio people got a line on the news from the papers. Reading the morning papers was among the most important ceremonies of the day, and there was no breakfast without reading (many times: reading out loudly) and discussing the news of the world. People announced their marriages, births, and even death in the papers. Life was much slower than nowadays, and many times it took days to discuss each news thoroughly. These papers, on this list now, remind us the good old times.
And now, let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us about the biggest newspapers in America. We have sorted out three newspapers, like a brief foretaste. Naturally, Los Angeles Times is among the top five, with its average weekday paid circulation of 417,936 in 2019. It operates in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area that is among the largest MSAs across the United States. It was launched 139 years ago, in 1881, and is owned by Nant Capital. New York Times stands on the third spot, deservedly, as its average weekday paid circulation was 483,701 in 2019. I think there is hardly anyone out there, who hasn’t heard about this newspaper. It’s among the oldest ones in the US, launched 170 years ago, in 1851. It can boast with worldwide readership, and having been rewarded with Pulitzer Prize 130 times! It’s owned by The New York Times Company and employes more than 1,300 people. Up on the list, The Wall Street Journal got the second spot, with an average weekday paid circulation of 1,011,200 in 2019. It’s among the largest finance newspapers globally, and it’s one of only two newspapers in the US to have a daily paid circulation of more than 1 million people. Although the newspaper is in English, but it’s also translated to Chinese and Japanese to get wider readership. It was formed 132 years ago, in 1889 and is owned by News Corp. If you want to know more about the biggest newspapers in the US, please click and jump to the entire article.
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