Like shopping and interested in the best selling products online in 2020? You don’t need to wait long, as we have brought Insider Monkey’s hottest article on this issue. Due to the continuously growing digitalization of our modern life, spread of e-commerce is going on uninterruptedly. E-commerce is a commercial transaction that happens online. You order the items or service online, you pay online and finally the articles are delivered you, or you get the service online, such as learning a language online, or all universities and colleges offer online courses.
According to Insider Monkey’s research, as of 2020 there have been around 2 billion online shoppers so far. In 2019 the worth of e-commerce exceeded $3 trillion, and as for future predictions it will reach $4.2 trillion by the end of this year. However, it’s not surprising as this year due to the coronavirus pandemic favored to the e-commerce industry. As almost all the industries were forced to lockdown, people worked from home, the whole world arranged even the everyday shopping online.
So what are the top best-selling, hottest items to buy online right now? Keep up reading, and we will show you! At first, on the fifth spot, we can find athleisure. The athleisure industry provides you with both fitness clothing and comfortable daily fits. As of 2018 the worth of athleisure industry was around $155.2 billion, and it’s predicted to exceed $257.1 billion by 2026. On the third spot of the compilation, sports equipment stands. Fitness has been one of the most important segments of our daily routine, but now, when we had to be under self-isolation, gyms had to lock again and step by step curfew is being brought into practice, we really need sports equipment. Consequently, large numbers of online sports shops started their business to sell and deliver quality sports equipment to us. There wide range of items on their palettes, from barbell to spin bikes, everything. The worth of this industry was around $126 billion, and it’s foretold to reach $148 billion by 2023. For getting the entire list, please jump to the best selling products online in 2020.
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