We may not live in the past, but we cannot say that we are not affected by it or we do not care about it. Whenever, we hear the word museum, we come face to face with a mental image, where we see rows upon rows of ancient artifacts all painstakingly catalogued and curated. If we are to learn about a specific culture, be it your own country’s or some other, visiting a museum can definitely help a lot. However, we are not going to talk about regular museums today. Most of the world’s museums server as a window to the past. But there are a few exceptions, and after reading about them myself, I am sure, you will also enjoy reading about them, if you are interested in museums like I am. Well, I am trying to avoid spoilers here, as you would enjoy it more, when you actually read the full article. So, I am not going to say what these museums are all about. The best I can do, is just give you hints. For example, any art admirer would know a few museums that only feature artworks. There is one such museum in the list, which features artworks that would never ever make it to any art museum.
If you wish to learn more about this interesting topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the list of 4 Weird and Unique Museums in The World. Just click on the provided link to get instant access to the full article.