When someone loses hope and faith in almost everything, suicide may seems like the only way out from that situation but one should learn how to fight and face difficult situations of life from the people of the states with the lowest suicide rates. There’s an article on Insider Monkey with a list of eleven states with the lowest suicide rates in America that we would like to share with you. Let’s take a look at Insider Monkey’s list to find out about them.

The 11 states with the lowest suicide rates in America all feature a suicide rate which is less than average. Suicide is one of the most common causes of death in the world, and the same is true for America. It is estimated that suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the country, and in 2010, was deemed to have caused more deaths than car accidents.

There are many reasons behind people committing suicide. These include joblessness, being left by the people they love, financial issues, loneliness, pressure regarding a social and professional life and depression among many others. To read more, please visit 11 States with the Lowest Suicide Rates in America.
