Are you trying to get back at your friends for some prank they pulled on you? Of course we are talking about annoying your friends in a friendly fashion, and it is highly recommended that you do not cross the line under any circumstance even for the sake of fun. Anyway, if you are serious about annoying your friends to a great extent, then the article I am going to talk about here will definitely help you. As the title suggests the article is about a few questions that on the surface seem pretty innocent but are sure to annoy your friends if asked at the right moment. You can also augment the effect by asking him or her the question in the presence of others. But please be very careful of your friend’s feelings. Now that said, you must also remember that you could also be on the receiving end of these questions at times. And it is in your best interest to learn about them and equip yourself with the answers in anticipation. So that when you are being asked an annoying question, you can easily improvise a suitable answer.

If you wish to learn more about this interesting topic, then you have come to the right place. At insider monkey’s blog page, we have put together the list of 10 Most Annoying Questions to Ask Your Friends. Just click on the provided link to get instant access to the full article.
