For acquiring a strong online presence, web hosting of the solid level is mandatory. There are different web hosting companies that are providing a range of web hosting and other services. Their service packages range from free plans with restricted options to costly plans that cater to the high-level needs of the organizations or individuals. The plan you select will basically depend on your intent to make use of your site and also on the financial position of your business.
Choosing the right type of hosting plan is crucial and will result in offering you the right services and resources that you need to make your site able to rapidly load and make it reliable for visitors on the website. The hosting firm must be selected on grounds of its uptime and reliability to ensure that the website is online and up all the time of the day and week. This must also contain storage and bandwidth of appropriate level because these things impact the data and traffic on the website. Customer support is also offered by web hosting companies so that they can assist their customers on time in case of any unexpected issue or confusion. These companies are also offering other related services for making the navigation of the website easier. Here we are going to list the 10 biggest web hosting companies in accordance with the post shared by Insider Monkey.
We start our list with HostGator which was started in 2002 by a Florida Atlantic University student and since then this company has emerged as the most mainstream hosting company in the country. Endurance International Group acquired HostGator in 2012. Whether you are a beginner developer or are in search of a highly professional hosting plan, HostGator is catering to the needs of every type of customer. The market capitalization of HostGator is $1.341 billion. The next biggest web hosting company on the list is Blue Host which was established in the year 2003. The company is hosting around 20 million domains in the whole world. Various types of hosting services are offered by Blue Host comprising VPS hosting, shared hosting, dedicated hosting, WordPress hosting, marketing services, and WooCommerce hosting. The market capitalization of Blue Host is around $1.341 billion.
Do you want to read about other web hosting providers in the world? Please read the post 15 largest hosting companies in the world.